
About david.ashinoff

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So far david.ashinoff has created 14 blog entries.

NYC & Washington Alumni Chapters Create SigTalks Partnership

The Washington and NYC Alumni Chapters are teaming up to bring a brand new season of our professional development series - SigTalks! Our first virtual talk will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 8 p.m. EDT with very special guest Grand Pro Consul Bob Wilson. Brother Wilson will be sharing with us the Strategic

2022-11-10T00:02:38-05:00September 21st, 2022|Washington Alumni Chapter|

Help us find the next generation of Sigma Chis

Perhaps more than anyone else, Sigma Chi alumni like you are in the best position to help identify our next generation of brothers. You know and live our values, and undoubtedly know of young men who have what it takes to become Sigma Chis. As our undergraduate chapters seek to identify and recruit young men

2022-08-16T21:45:02-04:00August 11th, 2022|Sigma Chi Fraternity|

2022 Order of Constantine Nominations Now Open

The nomination form for the Class of 2023 Order of Constantine is available now and can be found at the bottom of the Order of Constantine webpage. Induction into the Order of Constantine is the highest honor that Sigma Chi International Fraternity can bestow upon one of its members in recognition of his lifelong commitment, dedication and service

2022-08-17T00:29:39-04:00August 1st, 2022|Sigma Chi Fraternity|
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