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903, 2023

Sigma Chi Announces 2022 Significant Sigs

March 9th, 2023|Categories: Sigma Chi Fraternity|Tags: |

Sigma Chi International Fraternity has selected its recipients for the 2022 Significant Sig Award, which recognizes members who have achieved high levels of professional success. Awarded annually since 1935, the Fraternity has honored more than 2,000 Sigma Chis with the Significant Sig Award. Members of the 2022 class will receive their honor either at Sigma Chi’s 84th Grand Chapter in Toronto

1102, 2023

Alumni Awards Open

February 11th, 2023|Categories: Sigma Chi Fraternity|

Each year the Sigma Chi International Fraternity proudly recognizes individual brothers for their service to the organization, its members and the communities to which Sigma Chis belong as part of the Fraternity's annual alumni award process. The fraternity is excited to unveil its new and enhanced application process and awards offering. Please take time to review the awards and nominate a brother

411, 2022

SigTalk with Significant Sig & 64th Grand Consul Keith Krach

November 4th, 2022|Categories: SigTalks, Washington Alumni Chapter|Tags: |

The Washington and New York City Alumni Chapters are pleased to invite you to our next SigTalk program with Significant Sig & 64th Grand Consul Keith Krach for a conversation about Sigma Chi, leadership, and American diplomacy. No registration is required to join. Simply visit our Facebook page on Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 8 p.m. EST. Keith Krach, PERDUE 1979, is an

1910, 2022

Nominate a brother for the Character-in-Action Leadership Award

October 19th, 2022|Categories: Sigma Chi Fraternity|Tags: |

Sigma Chis are men of purpose whose actions speak louder than words. Support of others for the greater good makes a lasting impact on our world, and it is an honor and responsibility we embrace. Each quarter, the Fraternity recognizes one of its members with the Mark V. Anderson Character-in-ActionTM Leadership Award. The award recognizes those Sigs who display good character

510, 2022

SigTalk with Significant Sigs Mack McLarty & Bill McGinley

October 5th, 2022|Categories: SigTalks, Washington Alumni Chapter|Tags: |

The Washington and New York City Alumni Chapters are pleased to invite you to our next SigTalk program about the 2022 midterm elections with Significant Sigs Mack McLarty & Bill McGinley. No registration is required to join. Simply visit our Facebook page on Thursday, October 20 at 8 p.m. EDT. Thomas F. “Mack” McLarty, III, ARKANSAS 1969, is Chairman of McLarty Associates,

110, 2022

Nominate a Brother for the 2023 Significant Sig Award

October 1st, 2022|Categories: Sigma Chi Fraternity|Tags: |

Do you know of a brother who is deserving of being named a Significant Sig in 2023? He could be one step away from joining other Significant Sigs such as retired New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees, PURDUE 2001; country music artist Luke Bryan, GEORGIA SOUTHERN 1999; philanthropist and the late Order of Constantine Sig Jon Huntsman Sr., PENNSYLVANIA 1959; and

2109, 2022

NYC & Washington Alumni Chapters Create SigTalks Partnership

September 21st, 2022|Categories: Washington Alumni Chapter|Tags: |

The Washington and NYC Alumni Chapters are teaming up to bring a brand new season of our professional development series - SigTalks! Our first virtual talk will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 8 p.m. EDT with very special guest Grand Pro Consul Bob Wilson. Brother Wilson will be sharing with us the Strategic Plan for the International Fraternity. He

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